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1.) What is physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a professional health care discipline that works closely with physicians and other health care professionals. One of the many different areas of physiotherapy is treatment of varying conditions by means such as stretching, strengthening, re-learning movement patterns, joint mobilisation (applied movements to reduce stiffness and relieve pain) and deep tissue mobilisation.
2.) Why see a physiotherapist?
Physiotherapists have an advanced understanding of anatomy and pathology and enrich their skills through ongoing post graduate education. Physiotherapists are licensed by the College of Physical Therapists of British Columbia which maintains a high standard of ethics and professionalism.
3.) Why go to Hands on Physio?
Hands on Physio offers clients a highly professional physiotherapy practice that is heart and client-centered. Hands on Physio believes that for true healing to be met clients must be supported physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. To this end, each one hour appointment is an uninterrupted, one-on-one session with a registered physiotherapist.
4.) Is a doctor’s referral needed to see a physiotherapist?
No, a doctor’s referral is not necessary to see a physiotherapist in BC. However, Hands on Physio recommends that clients make an appointment with their doctor in order to keep him/her apprised of their health concerns. We also advise clients to contact their medical insurance company as it may require a referral from their doctor to authorize reimbursement of our fee.
5.) What is orthopaedic physiotherapy?
Orthopaedic physiotherapy is physiotherapy in which the physiotherapist manually mobilises the joints in order to reduce stiffness, relieve pain and increase range of movement. It also includes deep tissue mobilisation, postural assessment and specific exercise and stretching programs.
6.) What does orthopaedic physiotherapy do?
In addition to reducing stiffness, relieving pain and increasing range of movement, orthopaedic physiotherapy can assist in the restoration of strength, proprioception, balance, coordination and function.